COVID19 Health & Safety Guidelines (Updated)
The Green is modeling best practices to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Everyone is working hard prevent community spread and avoid all non-essential contacts. During the public health emergency, anyone in the Green must also follow these rules:
Gardeners have priority over other activities during Distanced Gardening Hours. No food can be brought in at this time.
Wash your hands (castille soap by water spigots) or use hand sanitizer when you come and when you go.
Please wear masks at all times to protect yourself and others. Bring your own gloves if you can.
Always stay at least 10 feet apart. Be especially careful at entries and compression points.
Twenty-five person max inside the Green. Only one person per shift inside the shed (tools will be outside).
Limit contact with produce being harvested. (Donations go to people in urgent need).
Before you leave, sanitize tool handles, spray bleach in porta-potty, and clean any surfaces touched.
THANK YOU for being part of the Green as a model of community health for all! Let’s use this time to help strengthen each other as well as the Green and other vital green spaces that are now more important than ever for all our health and healing.

Farming is an act of faith — that a tiny seed can improbably blossom into a bountiful harvest for all. We are now called to plant a different kind of seed that will produce the harvest of a healthy community and world. Separating is not instinctive for us, but we can do this if we lift each other up as we do it. The Green is a great place to model how we can grow community in this new way, with even more hope for all life. This can and will make a vital difference.